Friday, July 20, 2007

I can not wait until I see Hairspray!
I love this movie!
That's pretty much it.

Oh Yeah! I might have SOME content in this!
I was listening to a song on the Hairspray soundtrack called "Without Love". It is a good song, and truthfully, I only listened to it at first because Zac Effron sings a big part of it. :). Well, I listened to it once, and thought it was good, so I listened to it again. The next time, I actually thought about something they said.
In the song, Zac says "Without Love, life is rock n' roll without a drummer..."
At first, I thought it was SO cute! Then I really thought about it.
I thought about how without God, life has no meaning. And how God's love makes our life ,well, alive.
And I thought that was pretty cool!
That's really pretty much it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zac Efron is ADORABLE, I don't know if you like disney channel, but High School Musical 2 comes out tomorrow, I will fell like a nerd if you don't like Disneychannel. BYE :)