Monday, July 30, 2007

Good Morning Baton Rouge!

Well, sorry I haven't posted in a while.
Today, I went and saw Hairspray. I honestly have to say I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!! It is SOOOOOO good.
So, yeah.
OH, and a bunch of my Navigate peeps just got to Mexico. I'm real excited for them, but I can't say I didn't want to go. Anyway, what's in the past is in the past. :)
Ok, this really isn't much of a blog.
So, stop reading it and go see Hairspray.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I can not wait until I see Hairspray!
I love this movie!
That's pretty much it.

Oh Yeah! I might have SOME content in this!
I was listening to a song on the Hairspray soundtrack called "Without Love". It is a good song, and truthfully, I only listened to it at first because Zac Effron sings a big part of it. :). Well, I listened to it once, and thought it was good, so I listened to it again. The next time, I actually thought about something they said.
In the song, Zac says "Without Love, life is rock n' roll without a drummer..."
At first, I thought it was SO cute! Then I really thought about it.
I thought about how without God, life has no meaning. And how God's love makes our life ,well, alive.
And I thought that was pretty cool!
That's really pretty much it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What color blue am I?

You are Ocean Blue

You're both warm and practical. You're very driven, but you're also very well rounded.
You tend to see both sides to every issue, and people consider you a natural diplomat.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Keep it real!

I know this is kinda weird, but I like to keep my template fresh with my mood!
So, this is mine for now!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Welcome Back!

Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. VBS has kept me SOOOOO busy! Honestly, I thought I was going to pass out on Friday! It was fun though! I hung out with I think the sweetest 7-year-old I've ever met, Julia Ferrara! Seriously, she is awesome!
Anyways, I haven't been doing much lately. After VBS, I mean.
So anyway, That's pretty much it!I'll talk later. I need to go take a nap.(Oh, I sound old! Like 38 or something!*Wink*)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Just some of my friends...

Hey!These are some of my awesome friends! If you ever see 'em, give them a high five or something!

What up? This is pretty much the dumbest blog you have ever read.

Hey everybody. I am just sitting here, blogging. Nothin' much else to do really. Well, I am going to be real busy this week, so I'm kind of gettin' ready for VBS. And summer session. So, well, I guess I gotta go.
Peace to my homies![sorry, just had to ;)]

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I just took this quiz cause I was bored!

Random Questions
Whats your favorite season?summer
How do you want to be remembered after you die?as an inspiring person and being a star wouldn't hurt...
What's the main thing you want right now?to get closer to God and to have fun!
What three things couldn't you live without if you were stranded on a desert island?ipod,clothes,a mansion full of my closest friends
What's your favorite type of weather?sunny with big drops of rain
Has anyone hurt you recently? If so who?zack sat on my leg, ow...
Do you like to read?YES!!
What kind of books do you like to read?Anything good that keeps me interested
Favorite Authors?Melody Carlson, God, Sandra Byrd, Anthony Horowitz
Favorite books?Bible, anything good, again!
Do like to drive fast?YES!
Are you a night person or a morning person?so not morning, Night baby!
What is your perfect paradise?The beach with my awesome friends(u know who you are!), awesome music, and the jonas brothers...
What country or countries would you like to visit?Australia, England, Italy, Japan, Africa, Vietnam...
Are you for Capital Punishment?sort of
Are you happy with the way our country is run?most of the time, yes
Do you believe in literal good and evil?I guess...? I beleive in good and evil if that's the question...
Do you believe in the devil?yeah, well, i don't BELEIVE in him, i know he's real
Do you swear?sometimes... I'm breaking the habit.
Do you believe in the supernatural?I beleive God is supernatural.
Are you addicted to Myspace?No
Favorite stores to shop at?Everywhere!
What's your favorite holidayChristmas
What's your favorite month?June
What do you do when your stressed and need to unwind?listen to music, read, pray, go swimming, take a long bath...
Does your curiosity get the best of you ever?Yes!
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

Sunday, July 1, 2007


hey everybody!! I don't know about you, but after pathfinders came back from camp, the week went by too fast!! I think it has been the shortest five days in the history of forever!!
I don't have much to say today, but I do have a little something...
Last night, I went to PF Changs(aka a really nice chinese food resteraunt). At first, I didn't want to go out because of this planet thing.
*the planet thing- Jupiter and Saturn were in visible sight from
baton rouge, and if you used binoculars you could see the planets, but
with a telescope, you could see saturn's rings
Well, we got reservations(for outside seats), and I brought my binoculars(imagine how nerdy i looked ;)!!) Well, anyway, I ended up seeing saturns rings!! I was so excited and everyone in my family had there turn lookin' nerdy with the binoculars!!

While we were making a big deal out of it, I starting seeing other people looking. And it made me think, if us making a big deal over such a small thing makes people interested, than is this how it should be with sharing the gospel?? I know all of you probably know this and at this moment are like, "Duh!" But this was a good refresher for me. Just to remind me to get out there and tell people of things more important than saturn and jupiter!
Well, that's it. I gotta go get some sleep now, so...