Sunday, October 28, 2007


Hi everybody!! This is Zoe. If you don't know, I now have a wordpress. It is still the same weird, crazy me, so make sure to read it!!
I luv U all!!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Guess what?

Hey everybody, guess what?
I gots a wordpress. Oh yeah. And It's cool, sooooo you gotta check it out!!!!!!!! Ok? Will you?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Good Morning Baton Rouge!

Well, sorry I haven't posted in a while.
Today, I went and saw Hairspray. I honestly have to say I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!! It is SOOOOOO good.
So, yeah.
OH, and a bunch of my Navigate peeps just got to Mexico. I'm real excited for them, but I can't say I didn't want to go. Anyway, what's in the past is in the past. :)
Ok, this really isn't much of a blog.
So, stop reading it and go see Hairspray.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I can not wait until I see Hairspray!
I love this movie!
That's pretty much it.

Oh Yeah! I might have SOME content in this!
I was listening to a song on the Hairspray soundtrack called "Without Love". It is a good song, and truthfully, I only listened to it at first because Zac Effron sings a big part of it. :). Well, I listened to it once, and thought it was good, so I listened to it again. The next time, I actually thought about something they said.
In the song, Zac says "Without Love, life is rock n' roll without a drummer..."
At first, I thought it was SO cute! Then I really thought about it.
I thought about how without God, life has no meaning. And how God's love makes our life ,well, alive.
And I thought that was pretty cool!
That's really pretty much it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What color blue am I?

You are Ocean Blue

You're both warm and practical. You're very driven, but you're also very well rounded.
You tend to see both sides to every issue, and people consider you a natural diplomat.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Keep it real!

I know this is kinda weird, but I like to keep my template fresh with my mood!
So, this is mine for now!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Welcome Back!

Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. VBS has kept me SOOOOO busy! Honestly, I thought I was going to pass out on Friday! It was fun though! I hung out with I think the sweetest 7-year-old I've ever met, Julia Ferrara! Seriously, she is awesome!
Anyways, I haven't been doing much lately. After VBS, I mean.
So anyway, That's pretty much it!I'll talk later. I need to go take a nap.(Oh, I sound old! Like 38 or something!*Wink*)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Just some of my friends...

Hey!These are some of my awesome friends! If you ever see 'em, give them a high five or something!

What up? This is pretty much the dumbest blog you have ever read.

Hey everybody. I am just sitting here, blogging. Nothin' much else to do really. Well, I am going to be real busy this week, so I'm kind of gettin' ready for VBS. And summer session. So, well, I guess I gotta go.
Peace to my homies![sorry, just had to ;)]

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I just took this quiz cause I was bored!

Random Questions
Whats your favorite season?summer
How do you want to be remembered after you die?as an inspiring person and being a star wouldn't hurt...
What's the main thing you want right now?to get closer to God and to have fun!
What three things couldn't you live without if you were stranded on a desert island?ipod,clothes,a mansion full of my closest friends
What's your favorite type of weather?sunny with big drops of rain
Has anyone hurt you recently? If so who?zack sat on my leg, ow...
Do you like to read?YES!!
What kind of books do you like to read?Anything good that keeps me interested
Favorite Authors?Melody Carlson, God, Sandra Byrd, Anthony Horowitz
Favorite books?Bible, anything good, again!
Do like to drive fast?YES!
Are you a night person or a morning person?so not morning, Night baby!
What is your perfect paradise?The beach with my awesome friends(u know who you are!), awesome music, and the jonas brothers...
What country or countries would you like to visit?Australia, England, Italy, Japan, Africa, Vietnam...
Are you for Capital Punishment?sort of
Are you happy with the way our country is run?most of the time, yes
Do you believe in literal good and evil?I guess...? I beleive in good and evil if that's the question...
Do you believe in the devil?yeah, well, i don't BELEIVE in him, i know he's real
Do you swear?sometimes... I'm breaking the habit.
Do you believe in the supernatural?I beleive God is supernatural.
Are you addicted to Myspace?No
Favorite stores to shop at?Everywhere!
What's your favorite holidayChristmas
What's your favorite month?June
What do you do when your stressed and need to unwind?listen to music, read, pray, go swimming, take a long bath...
Does your curiosity get the best of you ever?Yes!
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

Sunday, July 1, 2007


hey everybody!! I don't know about you, but after pathfinders came back from camp, the week went by too fast!! I think it has been the shortest five days in the history of forever!!
I don't have much to say today, but I do have a little something...
Last night, I went to PF Changs(aka a really nice chinese food resteraunt). At first, I didn't want to go out because of this planet thing.
*the planet thing- Jupiter and Saturn were in visible sight from
baton rouge, and if you used binoculars you could see the planets, but
with a telescope, you could see saturn's rings
Well, we got reservations(for outside seats), and I brought my binoculars(imagine how nerdy i looked ;)!!) Well, anyway, I ended up seeing saturns rings!! I was so excited and everyone in my family had there turn lookin' nerdy with the binoculars!!

While we were making a big deal out of it, I starting seeing other people looking. And it made me think, if us making a big deal over such a small thing makes people interested, than is this how it should be with sharing the gospel?? I know all of you probably know this and at this moment are like, "Duh!" But this was a good refresher for me. Just to remind me to get out there and tell people of things more important than saturn and jupiter!
Well, that's it. I gotta go get some sleep now, so...

Friday, June 29, 2007

We're Back!

I just got back from camp 2 days ago, and I have to say, it was truly AMAZING!!!!!! The beach was awesome, and the services were even better!! I was in a group with 5 girls(who are all awesome!!) and I am glad to have been able to hang out with them. I have a nice tan, and a brand new start. By the way, I got baptized on the last day. We woke up to late to go to the beach though, so Tyler Tullos came and baptized Amanda Worthington, Victoria Kelly, and me in the pool. I really needed a new start, cause I had been going through a lot. I feel great now, and I'm fully prepared to take a stand for christ! For the rest of the summer, I'm looking foward to standing up, standing out, and CHANGING THE WORLD!!!!
I'm still kinda tired from camp, so I'm gonna take a nap!
I luvs!

Friday, June 22, 2007

My father's Eyes

Tonight, there was something going on at church(sorry, I don't know what It's called) and it was awesome! We were praying over the new arena, and it was really awesome! As we were praying and worshiping, I had this thought. It kinda really had nothing to do with what we were praying about, but I thought it was pretty cool. Here it is.
Well, you know how when a baby is born, one of the first things you hear is, "Oh, he/she has your eyes!" Well, I was thinking of that very saying. Well, I personally have my dad's eyes. Then, I thought about how we are supposed to see everything through God's eyes. And then I thought, well, do I have my father's(God's) eyes? Or do I have my earhly father's eye's? Talking about the new church really showed me how I should look at things. My eyes see a big building, that is really big, and probably weighs a ton, but when I really looked at it, I saw a home to the homeless, a a truly healing place for a hurting wold, and all I could think about was the sign on the fence saying, "It's for the people who aren't here yet." Then, I could honestly say I "had my fathers eyes".
Well, that's all I have to say. I know it's really a lot of writing, but that's what was on my mind. I'll talk to ya'll later! Luvs!
Zoe ;)

Florida, here we come!!

Hey Everybody! What's up? I'm sooooo excited about camp! We are leaving Sunday, and it's gonna be AWESOME!! All the sun, sand, and Ocean I can take in! And of course, you can't forget the awesome services and worship! Last year, camp was such an amazing experience, and I'm not expecting any less this year! I probably won't blog until after camp, so, to everyone reading, see you after camp! I luvs!!
Zoe ;)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Paris HIlton's goin' 2 jail!

Paris' mug shot(or modeling picture????)

Hey, today was a really weird day. And I say this mainly referring to Paris Hilton. When I found out she wasn't going to jail, I was furious! Like who does this chick think she is?(oh wait, she's Paris Hilton. The heiress to the Hilton hotels who is SO rich, it's just not healthy!) Well, I was pretty ticked and then she came back up on the news. This time, she was going back to Jail. As they showed her screaming and crying for her mom, my first thought was "Ha ha, poor little rich girl!," "How pathetic!", "It serves her right!", etc... Well, then I remembered something I learned at summer session. They also talked about it at church. It was how my thoughts should be God's thought. Well, I was feeling kinda bad because I don't think God would say those things about Paris. Yes, she is spoiled, but she really could be scared. She was raised knowing that nothing would happen to her because of who she was, and now, this. She's actually being punished, and it really might be overwhelming her. I guess it's cool that God taught me something by using Paris Hilton. And now, instead of talking about her and making fun of her, I will be thinking of her and praying for her. And who knows, maybe Paris will really get something out of this. Until then, I'll be praying for her!
Luvs! Zoe

Friday, June 8, 2007

Hey everybody!

Today has been a long, weird day. I've been tired all day because I was up ALL night freaking out. Some of you might not be interested, but those who are... here's the story.
At about 3:00 pm yesterday, I called my friend Audrey because I was bored. Well, when I ask her the usual "What's up?", she replies she's on a bus to florida. Well, I'm like "Cool! Is your family bored yet?".... (her)"Hey Zo, my families not here. It's just me." At this time, I scream "What???????????? Your on a bus ALONE all the way to FLORIDA?!?!?"*pulling hair from my head* "Yep. I gotta go. I'll call you back after the bus driver is finished." She hangs up. "my mom is sitting right next to me in the car(therefore, she hears me yelling) "Audrey's on a bus alone?" she yells. "Yes!!!" Now, I'm pretty much in tears I'm soo freaked out! Then, I call my friend Austin(cheezy), and start freaking out on the phone. And then he freaks out. "Oh my gosh? What? That's stupid! Who sent her on the bus?" "Her mom." My mom is now tottaly mad now, and I'm scared, and Austin is freaked, and Austin's mom just found out and she's mad. Then, Audrey calls me back and I 3 way with her and Cheezy. We talk, and she's kind of scared almost crying, and has to go again. NOW, i AM CRYING, and Austin tells me we have to calm down so she can. I was on the phone with her and austin until about 9:30. I'm feeling better because she's alright and they had just reached Mobile, Alabama. I get off the phone thinking, "Everything's gonna be okay." Well, then Audrey calls crying, "Zoe! They might not let me get back on the bus! You have to be 15! I....I gotta go. Zoe pray! I might be stuck in Alabama! Bye" She hangs up. "MOM!" I'm yelling, and crying, and panicing, I call Austin tell him, and in 5 seconds, Me and my mom, and Austin and his mom are ready to drive to the Alabama grey hound station to get her. After about 2 minutes, she calls back saying it was alright. That they will let her on because of her situation and because she's almost 15. Now, one part of me is "Thatnk God!!!" and the other is "Audrey's on a bus by herself!!!AHHHHHHHHH". Me, her and austin get back on the phone. Then, she asks, "Zo, Cheezy, why are ya'll so worried?" "Because you are my friend and I don't want anything to happen to you!" i say. "Yeah, Audrey, We are really sincerely worried. Not the 'we don't trust you' worried, we really care about you." Austin said. "Thanx," Audrey said. She has to go, and so does Austin, so I'm sitting on my couch praying. I got off the phone at 12:57, and now it's 1:20. I call, because i'm starting to worry again, and she is in Florida with her family. I'm so releived, I just like want to pass out. She has to go, so she can get to her hotel. I call Cheezy and tell him she mad it and he is really happy. Then, just as i'm getting ready to go to bed, I get a text message:
"Only the truest friends would have done what you guys did tonight and for that I say thanks that God allowed me to meet you both sorry if it's a little mushy luvs"
It was from Audrey. She sent it to me and Cheezy(Austin). I immediatly called her. "I LOVE YOU! Like a sister!(I quickly add)." "I love you to Zoe! You're the best! You both are. I gotta go and get some sleep. Thanx for everything. Goodnight." It really made me happy that I can help some one so much. All I could think about was her, same with Austin, and all she could say was, "ya'll don't have to worry". But we did. It's our job! Anyway, thanx 4 lstening!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

some pics for Pastor T's message

A preacher can teach......
But a Teacher can't preach!

A pastor can teach, but a teacher can't pastor!

At summer session today, We learned a lot of great things. It really got me thinking about everything I think about. I got a lot of great information about things like everyday life(living like we are supposed to live), the bible(specifically Paul and Timothy and the leaders they are), and serving without complainig. From Chapel, to interning, one thing that really stood out to me is something Tyler said. He taught our developing skill class, and he talked about how pastors are like shepherds. I know that's kind of confusing but it really made sense to me.
Tyler brought up the point that like a shepherd protects it's sheep from bears and lions, pastors are supposed to protect their people"sheep" from everything that comes against us like the world, people around us, and the devil. Then he talked about teachers. How Teachers are still very important, but the main difference between a teacher and a pastor is The responsibility of keeping your "sheep" protected. All of this helps me know one thing, my pastors have my back! Whenever I'm in trouble, I know I can count on them to help me! I know I can trust Tyler and Crystal, and all of the leaders at pathfinders. And when I get to refuge, I know it won't change just because my environment did. I know this might not mean much to you, but it did mean a lot to me. I hope someone out there reads this and feels the same way I do!
I luvs!
Zoe ;)

Monday, June 4, 2007

Summer Session!

I am seriously excited about summer session! I know this is my first and last year, but i'm going to make the most of it! My second day is tommorow, and I can't wait! The only thing I'm not excited about is the time...I have to get up before 10:00!(like that's really such a big deal....) I guess thats what the whole things about: discipline. Even if it means getting up at the butt crack of dawn.....Well, I'm a little tired, so I think I'll go to bed. I have to be up before 6:00 anyway! Goodnight everybody!
luv, zoe!

This is my first little blog thing. I'm still trying to figure it out, so check out all the weird stuff I put up!(It might be interesting.....)
By the way, I love cheese, but not Cheezy(theres a difference ;)


Hey everybody! This is my first blog, and I can't wait to get everything started. This is so cool! can't wait to hear from you!